@ 14:47, Monique, the lawyer says in regard to 'disconnection' (disfellowshipping), the "freedom to choose to leave, and the consequences"
Monique: "of course, there are consequences in every choice we make in life"
Sound familiar?
i just ran across it on abc.
a scientology representative is discussing leah remini and others.
the representative is such a spinner.
@ 14:47, Monique, the lawyer says in regard to 'disconnection' (disfellowshipping), the "freedom to choose to leave, and the consequences"
Monique: "of course, there are consequences in every choice we make in life"
Sound familiar?
i just ran across it on abc.
a scientology representative is discussing leah remini and others.
the representative is such a spinner.
Thanks jaydee! I got to watch the end!!!
My sister wonders why it is not loving to shun people in Scientology? but very loving from JWs?
Do the people being shunned feel any different ?
Do they think about it from the victim's point of view?
i just ran across it on abc.
a scientology representative is discussing leah remini and others.
the representative is such a spinner.
Spot on, wannaexit! Our dear, 'Monica Applegate'
I was so happy to see an intelligent person, such as Angus Stewart, take her testimony apart, and show it for what it was with a few short questions!
when i was a believer, i endorsed this idea too.
i commented with things like "love jehovah more than your mate" or "love jehovah more than your friends".. it didn't occur to me as i was saying it that jehovah is an idea.
this god concept is an idea that should really pass scrutiny if you're supposed to love it more than anything else.. at best, this means that jehovah is real and you have to love jehovah more than the people in your life, no matter the despicable things he is said to have done, condoned and endorsed in his holy writ.
if we were created with such strong emotions and desires, it would go contrary to the "creators" designs to ignore them. Right?
Another cognitive dissonance moment, courtesy of the WT.
i just ran across it on abc.
a scientology representative is discussing leah remini and others.
the representative is such a spinner.
I watched it also, missed the last 10 minutes, "late" is hard for me to do (rats! I was dreaming that I was watdching)
Anyway, the lady with the white/ blonde hair, would repeat very legalistic replies back to the reporter, never just 'staring him in the eye with the honest reply', her eyes would "twitter" and look back and forth, and her favorite way of replying to anything?
T"hat certainly would not be appropriate....."
"We certainly would not approve it......"
If it did happen, and we are not saying it did, but if it happened to,and we are not saying they are lying, but perhaps they are mistaken or it could be that they are truly exaggerating it..... but they could be truly misrepresenting it.
As snake windy as one could find a WT lawyer replying to the question of child abuse: "We certainly abhor child abuse"
and then, you have the evidence.
came across this today researching something for work, and thought it was an interesting thought when applied to wt.
with so many fundamental changes and revisions, can they even be correctly viewed as what they are perceived as by active jws?
if your baptism was an oath of loyalty to the organization, which organization?
oops, sir 82... me too! I tried clicking on like, to make it go away.... but no can do...Hey! I just re-clicked/ renewed, and the "dislike" disappeared! Awesome!
one day assembly..jan 1 2017 in central florida....1870 in attendance...13 baptiized (0.6%)...
Did you see if the baptized ones were kids?
apologies if this has been posted before.... http://www.wnyc.org/story/watchtower-jehovahs-witness-headquarters-brooklyn/.
I think its great to keep what is happening alive, as not all can check the web every day. After a day or two, a 'hot story' is buried, and maybe a new (or even a regular) person misses it.
I have heard from one friend that she had missed the whole Trey Bundy reporting, and she follows the JW thing on different FaceBook pages. She was happy to hear.
Thx NikL.... you never know who you helped!
hi friends,.
it's been awhile since i've been talkative.
thought i'd give you an account of my latest family dysfunction.. a brief backstory is that i am an only child whose parents were born in jw's.
Hey 3rdgen, Yay, you are free! Go for your authentic self!
I just got a t-shirt today "Be yourself, everyone else is taken".
I had just been wondering what was going on with you, since I haven't seen you on the board in a while.... I keep reminding myself, 'all things come to an end'... one way or the other.
2017, good year to start anew.... I hope we can meet up this year.
Hugs & love to you, cha ching
i have two honest questions for everyone here.
i understand that most here want retribution from the courts against watchtower for child abuse allegations.
but let us take away the instances where someone was accused of child abuse and then later put back into a position of authority, such as an elder or an ms. let us just take the cases where a regular publisher or even an appointed person, with no previous accusation of child abuse has come up against that person.
"Freedom of Religion"..... the most valued of all commodities... why? it allows people to commit all kinds of crimes "done in the name of religion"
"Freedom from Sexual Abuse"..... what value is placed on this?